
Green - Improvements

Red - Peer Assessment

Pink - Teacher Marking


Digital Enterprise Unit 7


Contractual brief

A contractual brief is a legal document which is created between a manufacturer and client. It outlines the duties that are required of the manufacturer and what the manufacturer expects of the client. It states the expectations of the client, the prices they agree on, as well as the payment terms. An advantage is that it clearly gives the company an idea of what the client wants, whilst also initiating a stable price range where the client and the manufacturer will agree on a set income with each other. A disadvantage of a contractual brief is that the client may require a heavy workload from the employer, which will put a strain upon them, and with advertising, a lot of creativity is required, and this is likely to be hindered if the client desires to receive written work as opposed to graphical designs. 


Formal Brief

A formal written brief is a document that includes detailed information about what the client wants the company to achieve. It is usually a straightforward document, which refrains from including any unwanted information. The brief itself may not always be classified as a legal document. An advantage is that as the document itself is clear, as well as concise , as it lacks in any form of complexity, refraining from including extended legal terms within it's theses. Also, as it is not always a legal-binding document, the company can express their opinions, as well as having the ability to work around the contract. A disadvantage is that the contract is very general, as opposed to the haphazard structure of a regular contract, which is explained in a lot more detail. The employer as well as the client, may disagree on the terms of each other's decisions, and opinions which are listed in the contract.



Informal Brief

An informal brief is less professional than that of a traditional brief, where it outlines the project verbally, as is discussion conducted between the client and the employer, where they will come to a general agreement over the details of the contract. An advantage is that there is no real guideline to the brief, it is very free, and the employer will be allowed to manoeuvre and influence their own opinions into the document, before the client finishes it. An disadvantage would be that the expectations proclaimed by the client may interfere with ethos of the employer, who may not want to perform a task that involves a heavy workload, which may disinterest the client into giving them work, and they may look elsewhere for an individual to complete their project.

My Project Summary/ Brief

I am creating a webpage that will be a hotspot for all information on the game I will create in games development Unit 7. The page will feature a trailer of my game as well as a walkthrough on how to complete my game. My page will also act as good advertisement for my product. There may also be a forum on the page for players to talk about their experiences and give each other tips on having a better game experience. I am using HTML and CSS to make this webpage. The webpage will develop as the game is made. As I develop my game and make improvements to it I will leave update notes on my webpage so players know when new things have been implementedEnterprise skills I will need to use in my project are research and intuitive decision making with limited information. Research in my project will be key in order to meet my requirements and make my product successful, if I don't take the time to understand and research what makes a product successful then there's no way mine will be good enough to sell. Doing research on similar products to mine will give me a basic idea of how to make my product successful. Enterprise skills MUST be used in order to make my product successful, enterprise skills make your product more appealing, informative and exciting for your consumers.


Target Audience

The targeted audience for my product is anyone that knows how to use a computer and likes games. The game has fairly simple mechanics so it shouldn’t be too hard for younger people to complete and even if it is then the guide that will be featured on my games webpage should help. I must have a general use of customer enterprise skills for my webpage as my product is for all ages and genders so it must neutrally appeal to all.



The Web Page should feature:

  • An intro for the storyline of my game. This tells players what my game is about and helps them understand what they are doing in game.
  • A walkthrough for my game. This will help players that are potentially stuck on a certain point of my game and need help.
  • An equipment list for the resources the character in my game will have. These are the tools players will have at their disposal.
  • Images of the game.
  • A potential discussion forum.
  • Update notes.


The game will be completely free to play and is advertised on the webpage I am making. It will be available to play online. 


Skills For Digital Enterprise

  • Knowing what your product is and what its for.
  • Market research to better my price.
  • Who is the target audience?
  • Give an understanding of what the product is to the consumers.
  • Advertising the product as much as possible.

Why My Product Will Be Unique

I'm making a webpage for a game that I'm making myself so obviously it's going to be unique in the sense that I'm the only person making a webpage on it. The webpage will provide useful tips and information exclusively for my game. By using a different variety of enterprise skills I will be able to advertise my game on my webpage and make it look good so that users will want to play it and maybe even recommend it to their friends.

Peer Assessment Feedback

You have written a good project summary, which is well descripted of what you are going to do for your product. You have also chose the target audience and what other ages could also be a potential target audience. An improvement could be to refer to enterprise skills more often as this is what the unit is about. Feedback by Tyler Nation


Peer Assessment Response

I agree that I need to refer to enterprise skills more closely when writing about my product. I will identify and explain skills in more detail to improve.


Apprentice Analysis 

A project leader is selected and then the team draw up their ideas on prices and how they’re going to get customers. They’re all divided and have their own jobs to do, some people find customers whereas others set up at their base of operations ready to complete the customer's demands. They do market research to decide the best prices and how to go about their work. They sit with clients in a meeting room and negotiate prices and what the client wants from the deal verbally, this is an informal brief. The team leader and one of the team members have a disagreement which makes the team lose customers clothes, this is an example of why teamwork is important when working on a project with other people.



Leadership – it is important to have a leader when taking part in a large project so that everyone knows what they’re doing. A good leader is strict but also fair, if they mess up, then their team messes up, which means their customers needs will be messed up. If a member of the team makes a mistake then appropriate action must be taken and decided by the leader to ensure the problem is fixed and that the customers service is not delayed. 


Negotiation - negotiation is key when selling a product as it helps you make more money and understand exactly what it is the client wants. A negotiation can be done verbally with your customer and you can take notes as you go along. After this you can draw up a brief for you customer to sign with all the terms of your negotiations on paper, this makes sure that the service being delivered is exactly as specified originally in the verbal negotiations.


Market Research – market research helps develop products by using other people’s ideas as inspiration. By looking at what is already successful on the market and analysing it closely you can identify enterprise skills and how they were delivered on the successful product to better your own service. This can also help you work out which is the best way to sell your product and at what prices.


Teamwork – working together on projects helps get the job done a lot faster and it also creates a better finish on your end product depending on how well your team skills are. Teamwork is an important enterprise skill as when building a large business you will require a large team that can work well together in sync to deliver and manage your service successfully. If you are a large company making a product then you will require a lot of employees when you are working on a global scale. If a personal product has been specified by a customer then it is important that the whole team working on it have a good flow together so that the product meets all the right requirements and it is up to standards of the consumer's specifications. The actual manufacturers need to work to speed just as the people delivering the product would so that everything gets to the customer on time and in the correct condition. 




This is the first level of my game I managed to create in games development.





Red Code

Red Code is the original inspiration for my game. The mechanics of my game should be the same it's just my game will have a story. Red Code is a see how long you can survive game whereas mine has an actual objective. Red Code is a free flash game manufactured by playstival games in 2008.



Halo is similar to my game in the sense that it also features aliens and has the same sort of weapons and equipment featured to the ones in my game. Halo is a military science fiction first person shooter created by Bungie.



My game is similar to mario in style, Mario and my game both have the same pixelated look as my characters and environment are both being created on Piskel. Mario games are owned by nintendo and was created by video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto.

Advertisement deconstruction

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (2013) is an action adventure video game developed and published by Ubisoft. The game is set in a fictional history of real world events of pirates in the west indies in the 1700's.  Famous pirate captains such as blackbeard are featured in the trailer as well as thrilling battle ship fights between the spanish and british navy. This trailer shows the main character, weapons and in-game locations but without spoiling the story. This trailer acts as a really good teaser to the in game fighting style and makes the audience excited. Keeping spoilers in trailers at a minimum is important as if the game is ruined for players in a 2 minute trailer then users won't want to purchase the product. Ubisoft were smart when making this trailer as they used enterprise skills to not only show some of the best parts about this game as good teasers, they also did it without ruining the storyline. 

Stranded Deep is a first person, open world survival video game, developed and published by Australian developer BEAM Team Games for Microsoft Windows, Linux and OSX. It follows the story of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. You must use nothing but your hands and the resources found around you on islands in order to survive and stay alive in this game. This trailer is a good preview of the game as here we see the plane crash that leads the player to being stranded and then we see the player adapting to survive. The trailer shows the crafting system as a hut is shown being built and the hunting system as we see the player spear hunting a shark on a crafted raft. This game is really good for gamers that like open world crafting games such as Minecraft and the Tom Hanks movie Castaway because it's basically both of them combined into a videogame. The trailer shows both the crafting aspect from Minecraft and the survival island aspect from Castaway that makes players want to buy the game.


Why am I undertaking this research?

This research will help me better my product by taking other ideas and using them to help assist my finish. It will also act as good market research. Understanding what makes other products successful by looking at them closely will help me understand how to make my own successful.


What research I did

In order to choose the style of my webpage I looked at other web pages and took into consideration their colours and layout in order to better my own. To find the code of how to make my layout I looked at W3 schools and also opened the source code of the web pages I found. I struggled to make the navigation bar at first but after looking through some forums I found out how to do it. Having an appealing style and layout of webpage is important as this is what makes the consumer want to continue using it. I used a site called BlackHatWorld to find solutions of how to overcome problems I found when using CSS and HTML that W3schools didn't tell me how to overcome.


Primary Research

Primary research is when all research you find is independent. An example of this would be when I made my questionnaire, the questions I made and the results I found was all managed on my own and not a result of any other peoples findings. Obviously the results came from other peoples personal preference but the questions they answered were of my own doing.


Secondary Research

Secondary research is information taken from other people. I used secondary research when making the webpage for my game. I came across problems when building my navigation bar but was able to overcome them by using BlackHatWorld. BlackHatWorld is an internet marketing forum for coders to leave information on how to make things online. 


Consumer Research

Consumer research is when you find out what the consumers needs/service is that they require when making a product for them. The consumer research I conducted was when I made my questionnaire, here I found out what kind of game genres and platforms they prefered before I started my product. This is helpful as it means your product will be more appealing to your consumers as you have taken the time to understand their preferences.  


Market Research

Market research is when you look at what is popular in industry and then make your product based on this in order to maximise appeal/profits. If I were selling my product I would look at average game prices on the market and work out how much I should charge for mine based on this. Doing market research is important when pricing something as if you overprice it, it will make few sales but if you underprice it you will make less profit than it could if it was averagely priced. 



This popplet shows how each page links and what they should show.

Home Page

The home page features an introduction to my game as specified, it also features images to do with my game.

About Page

The about page features a walkthrough as well as an equipment list for my game. People can learn about the controls and how to use equipment in my game here. Furthermore people will learn about potential threats they will face in my game.

Game Page

This page features screenshots from my game. It shows the main character and the enemy featured in my game. It also shows the first level.



Overall I am okay with the webpage I have managed to create as I am only a beginner at using HTML and CSS to make websites. Although my web page may look basic and bland, creating it actually took a lot of time and effort as finding a way to create the navigation tab to alter between the different pages took a long time to work out. Enterprise skills used are researching to choose the style and layout for my webpage, I also used research skills to learn how to navigate between pages. I used good initiative to complete my webpage and deliver my product. 



My strengths of this webpage is the navigation, this took the longest time to incorporate and I am happy with how it turned out. Furthermore I think that my other strength would be meeting my requirements. Most of the requirements I set myself I have successfully completed. If we look at the popplet specifying my webpage features we can see I have met all the set tasks. I have used research enterprise skills in order to achieve this product. I also used skills of researching to choose the layout and colours of my page. Furthermore I made a survey to help me with things such as finding out the types of things people want in an information web page and based my site on this. 



The main weakness of my web page is the fact it looks basic, the fact that the page advertising it looks boring might suggest to the viewers that my game could also be boring. 


How I will improve next time

In order to improve my web page I simply need to spend more time researching how to use HTML and CSS to make it look more appealing. I should also learn how to manage a forum for my page in the future so that when people use my page they can leave feedback about the game it is advertising.